If you’re at home, whether self-isolating, social distancing, or actually quarantining as a result of being potentially exposed to the coronavirus, you will need to think about you and your family’s mental health and wellbeing. Below are some tips on how to keep your family healthy at home during quarantine. 

Isolating yourself from the outside world can and will be stressful for families. It can cause fear, anxiety and strong emotions in both adults and children. Understand that everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. That can mean feeling anxious, not eating or sleeping properly, or an increase in behavioral problems.

But with a positive mindset, you can take small steps to make it through this tough time.


Limiting fear and anxiety during quarantine:

  1. Turn off the news

    News and social media platforms can cause unnecessary anxiety. While it is important to stay informed, reduce your intake to a few times a day.

  2. Follow only trusted sources

    It can be easy to get caught up in dramatic news articles online, especially through social media. Limit your news intake to official fact-based sources, such as the CDC’s website.

  3. Control your reaction to breaking news alerts

    Remember that children react based on what they see from the adults around them as well as any media they are exposed to. Restricting any anxiety and fears to adult-only conversations can prevent spreading that anxiety on to them.

Tips for keeping your family healthy and engaged at home during quarantine

  1.  Create balance between caring for your kids and getting work done

    Whether you’re working from home or trying to get housework done, it can be hard to balance time with your kids. Try turning chores like cooking dinner or doing laundry into teachable moments for kids. Make cleaning a game. Creating routines is a great way to add structure back into daily life. That can include a morning routine, learning time, lunch, recreation, and nighttime routine.

  2. Limit screen time

    Sometimes television or video games seem like the easiest way to entertain your kids while you get stuff done. However, too much screen time can have negative effects for kids such as problems with sleep, behavior, and obesity. If you must include screen time, try to include educational activities such as online learning or free online drawing classes. Non-screen time activities can include coloring, crafts, reading, science experiments, etc.

  3. Stay active

    Get outside! (While practicing sensible social distancing, of course.) This includes nature hikes, scavenger hunts, shooting hoops, sidewalk chalk, etc. If you can not go outside, try indoor recreation such as a dance party, hula hooping, or other activities.

  4. Stay in touch with friends and family

    Use video calling such as FaceTime or Skype to encourage children to stay in contact with their friends. If bio family visits have been cancelled, have family members read to younger children over video chat. For a change, break out the stationary and write greetings cards or some old-fashioned letters.

  5. Stay calm

    Remember that you’re not alone. Practice the coping skills that you have learned, such as taking a breath before responding, meditating, practicing yoga, journaling or exercising. Even taking a few minutes to yourself in a separate room can be helpful. Be sure to check with health clinicians and physicians to learn more about care options that are available to you.

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