We gathered nine reasons why you should become a foster parent and share your home with a foster child…

#1 The smiles, laughter and FUN

With a simple smile and a doodle on a piece of paper, kids have a way of making us feel special. They are an infinite source of fun and laughter at every moment of your day. Having children around will guarantee a home full of good company, joyful moments, playtime and delightful conversations. 

 #2 Network of support

You and your foster child will inevitably build a relationship that will last a lifetime, but a foster child never comes alone. From clinicians to case managers, from teachers to other foster parents, biological parents and family, foster children have an expansive network. The network of people that are by their side will automatically become your network once you open your home and your heart. 

#3 A better world

Helping vulnerable children is arguably one of the most effective ways you can help your community become a better place. The future of our world is in the hands of our youth. It is our job as adults to ensure we give our children the care and support they need to succeed. Providing a safe and loving environment for a child establishes a foundation for them to thrive.

#4 Second income 

No amount of money can repay the daily efforts that foster parents put towards their foster children. However, having an extra source of tax-free income helps alleviate certain financial needs and improve the lives of everyone who needs us. 

#5 Personal Growth 

Nobody graduates with a degree in parenting. The free-of-charge training people need to do in order to become foster parents is an investment in your growth and sets you up for success. From CPR to psychological training, having a source of free classes is an advantage that makes it worth all the effort.  Remember – we grow the most when stepping outside of our comfort zone. Read more about How Foster Parents Need Support Too.   

#6 You have more to give

You love being a mentor/parent/coach and find joy in helping youth discover, explore, and build skills to overcome challenges. You enjoy helping children navigate life – intellectually and emotionally – and are seeking a way to share your wisdom and experience with a future generation.  Being a foster parent is one of the best ways to satisfy your desire to teach and help others.

#7 Be connected to youth and all of the latest trends

The old adage of children will keep you young is absolutely true. Having children, youth, and/or teens at home will keep you connected to youthful trends, including the latest technology. Being around children is a reminder of the excitement of youth and brings a source of energy and wonder to your day-to-day.

#8 Because we need you

At any given time, there are over 400,000 foster children in need of a home. Foster homes are meant to provide an interim loving and safe environment while a family can strengthen for a child’s return or another permanency plan like adoption or placement with family can be secured. The foster care system particularly needs foster parents willing to accept teenagers and sibling groups. 

#9 A family is a family 

You may be thinking you aren’t in the “right” place in life to be a foster parent. Families come in many forms and it is always the “right” time to ask questions. Reach out to us to learn about how to be a Cayuga Centers foster parent in Upstate New York, South Florida, Delaware, and New York City.